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Skills for Growth

13/03/2025 | 8:30am - 10:30am

Event Location: The Quad

Event Address: The Quad, Station Quarter, Iron Masters Way, Telford Town Centre, TF3 4NT

Skills for Growth

Event Description

Are you an employer looking to upskill your workforce but don’t know where to start?

Do you find it difficult to know exactly who provides what when it comes to skills and training and who you should to be talking with to get the support you need?

If so – and you’re an employer in Telford & Wrekin – the Skills for Growth event is just the thing for you.

It will showcase how Telford’s key skills providers have got together to collaborate and simplify the skills process – and make sure finding the right support is much more straightforward.

What is it?

The Skills for Growth event is taking place at The Quad, Station Quarter, Telford on Thursday March 13 from 8.30am-10.30am.

Join experts from Telford & Wrekin Council and partners from Harper Adams University, In-Comm Training, Shropshire Chamber of Commerce and Telford College to explore what training and skills opportunities are available and hear from employers who have already benefitted from support.

The event will also feature a skills expo and plenty of opportunities for networking.

What will businesses learn?

The event will showcase all the funding opportunities and skills initiatives on offer across Telford & Wrekin – and demonstrate the new collaborative working agreement between all skills’ providers to simplify the system.

You’ll find out:

  • Who to contact and when to get the skills support you need
  • How providers are co-ordinating their support more than ever
  • What opportunities exist for new recruits and existing employees
  • Details of the progression pathways available
  • How it has worked for other businesses

Who is it for?

  • Employers of all sizes in Telford & Wrekin
  • Businesses looking to develop their staff
  • Employers who aren't currently engaging with skills support
  • Businesses keen to understand the benefits of upskilling

If you’re a business serious about developing your employees’ skills this is an event not to be missed – we’ll see you there. 

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